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Life : The Law of KARMA

Live your life with freedom. But first know the laws of universe & the specially MOST IMPORTANT ONE – The Law of Karma.

Sometimeswe experience deep mystery about life events – Why this or that happened to me or the other? Hence we are then attracted towards finding the reason, the cause. In doing so, we often come across asking God. Because you believe God ‘decides’ your life.

Even I myself used to think just the same way that if god's the one who decides our fate then how the Karma theory works.

With but eventually I came up to so many sayings of my spiritual Guru and could relate how life and Karma works,

 So in this article, this will be clarified that God is merely a moderator and does not interfere with our personal karmic accounts. God is a guide. He shows us a better path everytime, help is given.

Good souls experience discomfort when does an inaccurate karma (makes a mistake). So they don’t feel that good. This is infact, a sign that depicts your pure nature. And who knows, that asking questions about life will put you directly in front of the unknown which shall completely transform your life.

Though on the esoteric outer part any of our actions looks like a bad karma but on the esoteric inner level, the higher self is probably very happy with this incident that happened. 

So the most basic thing we need to know about Karma is that it is NOT based on what we did with our hands. Karma is based on what was our INTENTION behind it.

Sometimes we do something that is not bad in our knowledge or we are unaware of its exact result. Hence one may take an inaccurate decision. Here the intention is focussed. If the intention was good, then the instant response is happiness (you experience comfort by doing something with a noble intention) Why?? – Because this is our true nature. Our nature is peace, love and purity. Anything that we do that resembles these virtues, will definitely give you noble results.. no matter what the actual Karma’s result was.

That means – if you even kill someone with an intention to save someone’s life (you can imagine this play) then this is NOT a bad karma. But wait. Now it goes subtle – You have taken a step as if you are a judge – you decided whose fault it is and then punished. But if for example, you had any trace of harming someone without a proper reason, then that is a sin.

Clarification – ”There is a King who wants to conquer other’s land by violence. In his cruel dream, he joins his army and makes them a part of sin. So it is the king because of whom the army is fighting. Now if you go and kill that king, with an intention to save the life of those who were going to be a victim of that cruel king, then it is simply that you became an ‘instrument’ to save those innocent lives”. 

Here you need to understand 4 things:

1. This is NOT a sin in the name of humanity, in the name of Dharma (the religion of life)

2. This will create a Karmic account of yours with that King, whom you killed.

3. You shall get blessings from those who are happy for king’s death.

4. The power of those blessings will then help you while settling the karmic account with that King’s soul..

Every Karma is rewarded in 2 parts:

1. Instant – In Hindi, called as ‘Pratyaksh Phal’ meaning the fruit of karma which is instantly experienced. Eg: one get instant joy after helping others

2. Long-Term – This result is awarded in next birth by God himself. Understand -> someone builds free hospitals for poor. He shall get great health in next birth. Someone donates money – he shall take birth to a wealthy family. Someone donated knowledge – he shall take birth in such well behaved, mannered family.

Now world is at a stage when 2 forces are seen ->

1. God’s divine force – truth

2. Maya (5 vices) force – untrue

In the coming time, the world will be clearly divided into 2 groups – 

1. Those souls who have a loving intellect & are obedient towards God

2. Those souls who have dis-liking or dis-obedient towards God

Hope you understood the circle of karma. 

It is extreme difficult to completely understand this karmic accounts and hence in Shrimat Geeta also, it is said by God to Arjun, that : ”These family relationships that you think binds you from doing your dharma, are very temporary Arjun. And you don’t even know why are they your family..”


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